Friday, May 17, 2013

Morning Scenes with my family

My son waking up today demanding that he needs soda to drink which was yesterday's unfulfilled desire before going to sleep. How an ordinary desire in a mind before going to sleep can just settle in the tiny corner of our neurons and neurons fire the desire next morning as the first thing. An old age saying a quite and non depressing environment has to be created for adults/children to go to sleep. The single solirary parental struggle in between parents and the kids to make him brush the teeth which always happens at a price of giving him a candy/posicle and my constant and proud struggle to explain the importance of brushing the teeth always goes down the water though my struggle continues with an audacity of hope.The constant voice of my wife to make him brush his teeth and his questions school "pogila" subtly signaling his dislike for school but my wife comment is he likes it, he asks the question  because i m here which makes me to think does he likes me more than the school? after all i give him everything he asks for.The peaceful inside the soul is always distrubed by this struggle but is that struggle necessary is not kid going to be OK? Why a 4 year old kid has to be in school this question never leaves my mind as I am not competent to find my answer or not getting convinced by explanation from others. I always thought We customise the kids according to our needs and societal needs. In ancient india the kids does not have any social responsibilites till the age of 7. The kids were left as kids till 7 and were allowed to be themselves except for feeding and put to sleep on regular times.
So called difference of opinion between my wife and I are there as I always bend down to him for most of the time. We get things from kids through reward system the kids will do anything to get what he likes. Today's food also make kids to shout and throw tantrums at their parents. My kids is one among the victims of mordern food system.The struggle continues with the mind conflicting itself until he brushes his teeth and starts to school. The man internal and born desire to grow his generation and prepare to face the world is always been there but how we do it is the question. Human being inherent quest  for knowledge cannot be separated from his being but is there a better way out than sending them to structured schools?